NVOCC Service Arrangements (NSAs) are a great option to consider using for:
- negotiated customer-specific rates,
- long-term rates, e.g., annual rates, and
- rates with customized surcharges, assessorials, or terms.
NSAs are generally considered best for long-term rates because surcharges can float with your tariff rules. This means that surcharges in effect in your tariff rules at the time each shipment is received will apply. FMC regulations do not require an amendment to reflect updated surcharges, so long as the surcharges are filed in your tariff rules.
This is a key advantage of NSAs when compared to NRAs, which require surcharges to be locked-in upon receipt of the first shipment.
For a review of our NSA services, click here. DPI Members may learn more about NSAs on the DPI Knowledge Center.