You will receive an email from the FMC with renewal information from This email will be sent to your organization’s primary FMC contact. This is the contact person and email you previously reported to the FMC as your primary FMC contact.  For most licensed NVOCCs, this is their organization’s Qualifying Individual (QI). The FMC may also send an email ahead of your renewal to verify that your primary contact’s email address is still valid.

The renewal process is online and requires that you confirm or update key details from your FMC License application (Form FMC-18).

To complete this FMC Renewal, you have two options.

    1. Self-Renewal:  Complete the FMC License Renewal by yourself and send DPI a copy of FMC’s confirmation showing your approval has been renewed. If there are no changes to your company details, self-renewal is easily completed.
    2. DPI-Handled Renewal:  Request DPI to handle the FMC License Renewal. If there are changes to your company details, this option is best because DPI will ensure updates to your FMC-1 Tariff Registration, FMC Tariff – Title Page, and NVOCC Bond are also completed to reflect changes. Once you receive the FMC’s renewal email simply forward it to for handling.

Learn more about DPI’s services for Licensing & Registration Renewal Services or contact us.