Memo: DPI Holiday Notice - Presidents Day

Whether you are an FMC-licensed or registered NVOCC you must keep the FMC informed of changes to your organization. Changes such as address, telephone numbers, and contact person’s name and email, must be reported to the FMC within 30 days. Changes to business or trade names require new or amended FMC license or registration.

FMC-licensed NVOCCs must also report any changes to their company’s structure, related entities, addition of branch offices, and Qualifying Individual (QI).

DPI can help prepare your update or renewal to ensure smooth sailing when reporting any changes to the FMC. Our expert staff will help prepare all required documentation and will also handle follow up with the FMC’s Bureau of Licensing should there be any questions.

Learn more about DPI’s service for FMC Licensing & Registration Updates or contact us