December 2005
FMC Releases Annual Reports for Fiscal Year 2005
The Federal Maritime Commission has released two annual reports on its performance and made these available at its web site: www.fmc.gov The Commission's Program Performance Report fo…
Browse Signals™ Monthly Updates below
December 2005
The Federal Maritime Commission has released two annual reports on its performance and made these available at its web site: www.fmc.gov The Commission's Program Performance Report fo…
December 2005
The carrier members of the Transpacific Stabilization Agreement (TSA), FMC Agreement No. 011223, serving the East Asia/USA trade lane have amended their FMC tariffs to provide for …
December 2005
The Westbound Transpacific Stabilization Agreement (WTSA), whose member carriers serve the trade from the USA to East Asia, have amended their FMC tariffs to apply increases to Bu…
December 2005
The Alameda Corridor Charge will increase effective January 1, 2006. This charge is applied by most carriers serving the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to recover charg…
December 2005
The Trans-Atlantic Conference Agreement (TACA), whose member carriers serve the trade between the USA and North Europe, United Kingdom and…
November 2005
In its efforts to gain better understanding and increase dialog with stakeholders in the U.S. maritime industry the Federal Maritime Commission met with members of the National Assoc…
November 2005
The Commission received five comments regarding further changes to NVOCC Service Arrangement rules that would allow multiple unaffiliated NVOCCs to jointly offer NSAs. The comments c…
November 2005
Many carriers serving the Transpacific Eastbound Trades from Asia to the USA have amended their tariffs to extend Peak Season Surcharges(PSS) through Jan 31, 2006 on ship…
November 2005
The Federal Maritime Commission announced five compromise agreements, resulting in the collection of $305,000 in civil penalties. These agreements are the result of investigatio…
October 2005
The Federal Maritime Commission announced a Final Rulemaking amending the definition of "NSA shipper" in the NVOCC Service Agreement (NSA) rules to include NVOCCs and Shippers' Associat…
October 2005
The carrier members of the United States South Europe Conference (USSEC) FMC Agreement No. 202-011587, serving the trades between US Atlantic/Gulf Ports and South European po…
October 2005
BAF effective Nov. 1, 2005: US$ 401/20' container, US$ 802/40' container and 34 percent for cargo rated on a per unit, per weight ton, or WM basis. The current BAF, i…
October 2005
The Federal Maritime Commission recently added an extensive FAQ section to its website. The new FAQ page consists of 11 topics, including Common Carrier Tariffs, …
October 2005
The recently implemented OffPeak program at the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles is a big success. PierPASS reported that in the first two weeks of the program 30 percent …
October 2005
The Trans-Atlantic Conference Agreement (TACA), whose member carriers serve the trade between the USA and North Europe, United Kingdom and Ireland, Scandinavia …
October 2005
BAF effective Sept. 16 thru Oct. 15, 2005: Atlantic/Gulf Coast Ports Pacific …
September 2005
The Federal Maritime Commission announced a Proposed Rulemaking to amend the definition of "NSA shipper" in the NVOCC Service Agreement (NSA) rules to include NVOCCs. If this Proposed R…
September 2005
The Westbound Transpacific Stabilization Agreement (WTSA), whose member carriers serve the trade from the USA to East Asia, recently announced the following amendments to Bunker …
September 2005
The Federal Maritime Commission launched an updated website August 18, 2005 with new design and current information. The updated website, www.fmc.gov, is …
September 2005
The Trans-Atlantic Conference Agreement (TACA), whose member carriers serve the trade between the USA and North Europe, United Kingdom and Ireland, Scandinavia …
September 2005
The carrier members of the Transpacific Stabilization Agreement (TSA), FMC Agreement No. 011223, serving the East Asia/USA tra…
August 2005
The Federal Maritime Commission has scheduled a meeting for August 3 to discuss NVOCC Service Arrangements (NSAs). The Commission has not released any details about the meeting. However, man…
August 2005
Kenneth A. Krantz has joined the Federal Maritime Commission as an Administrative Law Judge. Judge Krantz comes to the Commission from the Social Security Administration in Savannah, …
August 2005
The U.S. Senate approved Commissioner Rebecca F. Dye's nomination for a second term set to end in June 2010 on July 22, 2005. Dye of North Carolina, was first nominated by President George …
August 2005
The FMC has again dismissed the request of the Government of the Territory of Guam in Docket No. 89-26. This docket was initiated by a complaint filed in 1989 by the Guam Gov…
August 2005
TRAFFIC MITIGATION FEE (TMF) AT LA/LB Cargo moving through the ports of Los Angeles or Long Beach (LA/LB) will be subject to the PierPASS Traffic Mitigation Fee (TMF) assesse…
August 2005
The carrier members of the Transpacific Stabilization Agreement (TSA), FMC Agreement No.: 011223, serving the East Asia/USA trade lane have filed a New Inland Fuel Charge (IFC) in t…
July 2005
Peak Season Surcharges (PSS) imposed by most carriers in the TransPacific Eastbound trades as of June 15 have been reduced. Generally speaking, carriers have imposed the PSS for 2005 of US$ …
July 2005
The Trans-Atlantic Conference Agreement (TACA), whose member carriers serve the trade between the USA and North Europe, United Kingdom and Ireland, Scandinavia and Baltic Ports, have announced …
July 2005
The carrier members of the United States South Europe Conference (USSEC) FMC Agreement No. 202-011587, serving the trades between US Atlantic/Gulf Ports and South European ports of Italy, Franc…
July 2005
PierPASS Inc. has announced that OffPeak, a new program to reduce congestion at the Port of Los Angeles and Port of Long Beach, will begin Saturday, July 23, 2005. OffPeak will allow truck pi…
July 2005
In a further effort to reduce congestion and improve air quality The Long Beach Harbor Commission recently voted to reduce free time for the storage of containers at the P…
June 2005
Federal Maritime Commissioner Chairman Steven R. Blust honored Maritime Day, May 19, by offering his appreciation and thanks to all those in the maritime industry who help support and defend our …
June 2005
In recent weeks carriers serving the transpacific eastbound trades from Asia to the USA have begun preparations for the 2005 peak season. For most carriers these preparations have included fi…
June 2005
Rising bunker fuel costs have prompted increases to bunker surcharges on the Trans-Pacific trades. Both the Transpacific Stabilization Agreement (TSA) and the Westbound Transpaci…
June 2005
The Federal Maritime Commission has updated its listing of ocean common carriers operating in the US-foreign trades that are owned or controlled by foreign government…
June 2005
The carrier members of the United States South Europe Conference (USSEC) FMC Agreement No. 202-011587, serving the trades between US Atlantic/Gulf Ports …
May 2005
The Trans-Atlantic Conference Agreement (TACA), whose member carriers serve the trade between the USA and North Europe, United Kingdom and Ireland, Scandinavia and Baltic Ports, have announc…
May 2005
FMC Chairman Steven R. Blust has announced Irwin L. Schroeder is the new Chief Administrative Law Judge for the Commission. Judge Schroeder has been with the Commission for little over a ye…
May 2005
The FMC's 43rd Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2004, issued March 31, 2005 provides a summary of the activities of each of the Commission's departments, and includes an …
May 2005
The following statistical information was compiled from the Federal Maritime Commission's Annual Reports for fiscal years 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004. Fiscal years begi…
April 2005
The Federal Maritime Commission announced that it has recently entered into 18 compromise agreements, resulting in the collection of $514,500 in civil penalties. These agreements are the result o…
April 2005
On March 3, 2005 FMC Chairman Steven R. Blust made his annual appearance before the US House Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime …
April 2005
The carrier members of the Transpacific Stabilization Agreement (TSA), FMC Agreement No.: 011223, serving the East…
April 2005
FMC Commissioner Harold J. Creel, Jr. spoke at the International Transportation Management Conference in …
March 2005
The Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) has rejected petitions seeking reconsideration, amendment and stay of its recently issued Final Rule on NVOCC Service Arrangements (NSAs). Petitions …
March 2005
The FMC’s recently issued Annual Program Performance Plan for Fiscal Year 2006 provides a summary of the Commissions goals for the next fiscal year, which begins on October 1, 200…
March 2005
The Transpacific Stabilization Agreement (TSA) has announced its plans for General Rate Increases (GRI) and a Peak Season Surcharge (PSS) for 2005. In a recent speech to a trade group in…
March 2005
The Trans-Atlantic Conference Agreement (TACA), whose member carriers serve the trade between the USA and North Europe , United Kingdom and Ireland , Scandinavia and Baltic Ports , have recentl…
February 2005
The Federal Maritime Commissioners and key Commission staff met on January 27, 2005 with select group of shipping industry executives to help the Commission gain a greater awareness and understa…
February 2005
The FMC’s Annual Program Performance Report Fiscal Year 2004 is now available at the Commission’s web site: www.fmc.gov This report provides a summary of the Commissions goals a…
February 2005
The Westbound Transpacific Stabilization Agreement (WTSA) has recently announced General Rate Increases (GRI). WTSA is a voluntary discussion and research forum of 13 major container shipping lin…
February 2005
The International Shippers’ Association (ISA) and the American Institute for Shippers’ Association, Inc. (AISA) have filed petitions with the FMC for reconsideration and stay of the …
February 2005
Distribution-Publications, Inc. (DPI) has announced its monthly SIGNALS™ newsletter on the regulations and activities of the US Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) is now available in Ch…
January 2005
The Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) has issued the Final Rule in Docket No. 04-12, to finalize its new rules for Non-Vessel-Operating Common Carrier Service Arrangements, 46 CFR Pa…
January 2005
The Trans-Atlantic Conference Agreement (TACA) , whose member carriers serve the trade between the USA and North Europe , United Kingdom and Ireland , Scandinavia and Baltic Ports , announced si…
January 2005
Commissioner Harold (Hal) J. Creel, Jr. is set to serve a third five year term on the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC). President George W. Bush nominated Creel in November for another term, and…
January 2005
The FMC has denied Petition No. P3-04 filed by Crowley Logistics, Inc. and its subsidiary Apparel Transportation, Inc. which called for the revocation of the ocean transporta…